My name is Katrine Hillebo, welcome to my graphic design portfolio
Scroll down to see examples of my work: logo designs, visual identities, design guides, illustrations, campaigns, animations, digital and print.

Logo/CVI - Sea

Logo/CVI - Ressourceindsamling

Logo/CVI - Praksis Partner

Logo/CVI - Powered By

Logo/CVI - Rosager Consulting

Logo/CVI - FOM Technologies

Logo/CVI - Halsnæs Forsyning

Logo/CVI - Trier Ski


Logo/CVI - Baker Pos

Logo and animation - KU

Campaign - Bloddonorerne Roskilde

Illustration - Fors

Campaign - Frb Kommune

Animated white paper - Urbaser

Illustrations - Hørsholm Kommune

Campaign - Kalundborg Kommune

Book concept - Fødevarestyrelsen

Web design - 12 Tónar